Bastos, W., & Levy, S. J. (2012). A history of the concept of branding: practice and theory. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 4(3), 347–368.

This article provides a high-level overview of the evolution and development of the definition of the concept of branding.

Guins, R. (2014). The Present Went This-A-Way: Marshall McLuhan’s Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man @ 50. Journal of Visual Culture, 13(1), 3–12.

This article mentions one of McLuhan’s important idea: Media is the extension of man.

Ho, Y. W., & Merrilees, B. (2007). Multiple roles for branding in international marketing. International Marketing Review, 24(4), 384–408.

The article explains branding and marketing to help understand both.

Illia, L., & John M.T. Balmer. (2012). Corporate communication and corporate marketing: Their nature, histories, differences and similarities. Corporate Communications, 17(4), 415–433.

This article is about the difference and relationship between marketing and branding.

Jones, P. (1998). The Technology is not the Cultural Form? Raymond Williams’s Sociological Critique of Marshall McLuhan. Canadian Journal of Communication, 23(4).

The article shows Raymond William’s critique of McLuhan’s view of media, reflecting the controversial aspects of McLuhan’s theory.

Kohli, C. (1997). Branding consumer goods: insights from theory and practice. The Journal of Consumer Marketing, 14(3), 206–219.

The concept of integrated marketing is mentioned in this article, while the important steps and insights of branding are specified in the article.

Khan, A. (2020). Understanding McLuhan: The Times and Relevance. International Journal of Knowledge Management and Practices, 8(1), 41.

This article explains the applicability of McLuhan’s perspective in today’s society.

Kotler, P. (2017). Philip Kotler: some of my adventures in marketing. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 9(2), 203–208.

One of the key concepts of marketing, the 4Ps, is mentioned in this article.

McLuhan, M., & Fiore, Q. (1967). The medium is the massage, an inventory of effects. Bantam Books.

One of the key theories of communication theory, “the medium is the message”, is presented in this book.

Mullen, M. (2006). Coming to Terms with the Future He Foresaw : Marshall McLuhan’s “Understanding Media.” Technology and Culture, 47(2), 373–380.

In the article, the author revisits Marshall McLuhan’s main ideas and acknowledges Marshall McLuhan’s insights into how media technology affects human behavior, but with some critiques, such as Marshall McLuhan’s overstatement of the role of the media.

Microsoft Word – Synthesizing Research Method.docx

Opdenakker, R. (2006). Advantages and Disadvantages of Four Interview Techniques in Qualitative Research. In Forum Qualitative Social for Forum: Qualitative Social Research (Vol. 7, No. 4).

The advantages and disadvantages of qualitative research are fully discussed in this article.

Rooney, J. A. (1995). Branding: a trend for today and tomorrow. The Journal of Product & Brand Management, 4(4), 48–55.

This article states what is 4Rs (rescue, rehabilitation, release, and research).

Schultz, D. E. (1992). Integrated marketing communications. Journal of Promotion Management, 1(1), 99-104.

This book is an important work by Don E.Schultz, and I found in it Don E.Schultz’s core ideas about the relationship between marketing and communication.

Schultz, D. E. (2005). The Revolution and the Following Evolution of Intergrated Marketing Communications. Comunicazioni sociali, 1.

Don E.Schultz describes his 4C, 4Rs and SIVA concept in this article.

Schultz, D. E., & Bailey, S. (2000). Customer/brand loyalty in an interactive marketplace. Journal of Advertising Research, 40(3), 41–52.

This article mentions what branding needs to do from the customer’s point of view.

Schultz, D. E., & Kitchen, P. J. (2004). Managing the Changes in Corporate Branding and Communication: Closing and Re-opening the Corporate Umbrella. Corporate Reputation Review, 6(4), 347–366.

The article mentions one of the controversies of branding, which is the dilemma of focusing on company or product itself.

Schultz, D. E., & Peltier, J. (2013). Social media’s slippery slope: challenges, opportunities and future research directions. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 7(2), 86–99.

The writers discuss the problems of social media in boosting consumer brand involvement in this paper and seek to convert those issues into future research areas.

Sun, B. (2012). Zhuanfang zhengheyingxiao chuanbo zhi fu Don Schultz: “daduoshu shichang yingxiao guize yi guoshile [Interview with Don Schultz, the father of “integrated marketing communications”: “Most marketing rules are obsolete”]. China Economic Weekly. 12(48), 70-72.

The article compiles Don Schultz’s new perspective on integrated marketing.

Xu,Y. (2004). Dui “meijie ji xunxi” de zaishenshi [A Review of the Theory “Media Equal to Information”]. Journal of Yangzhou University the Humanities Social Science Edition. 13(06), 63-66.

The author systematically points out the shortcomings of McLuhan’s view.

Zhang, Y. H. (2000). Xinxingshixia dui McLuhan de Meijielilun de Zairenshi [Re-conceptualization of McLuhan’s media theory in the new situation]. Modern Communication (Journal of Communication University of China). 102(01), 33-39.

The author analyzes what made McLuhan’s media theory attractive in the first place and why it is still relevant in the new context. As well as discussing some of the criticisms of the theory made by previous academics.